Kalwala Village Info

The by School Support and Beyond funded School Lunch Project. The aim of this project is all - about 1000 - students daily to provide a healthy meal. Without this meal they would have nothing to eat all day because most come from afar. In the pictures the nearly completed kitchen and the place where the food will be cooked (wood is pushed in through the holes to keep the fire burning). The last month of 2014, all students received daily hominy lunch. In 2015, vegetables and beans are added to the menu.

For the purpose of the School Lunch project is also a dining room built. The size of the dining room - which will otherwise be used for after-school activities - such that especially the dakoverspanning posed a challenge. Now they had - at great expense - a construction company may have come from the capital but it was decided to allow the construction carried out by the Bouwopleiding of the school itself. Of course, with the underlying idea that is built up valuable knowledge in this way within the community. Unfortunately, this choice slowed by the calculated number of rafters was insufficient. As often happens in development situations may include the question is to what is more important: the product or the (learning) process. Pupils now have to eat their food in the rainy season under shelters will be inclined to choose in this case for the product!

The rainy season is in full swing. That period should be used to grow corn for the new year. That was so traditional and also applies to the school garden which is laid out in the framework of the School Lunch project. On average, the rain that falls from November to March enough to allow a good harvest. But there are also lesser years. Therefore it is in the intention of the school garden in the future also to irrigate with water from the nearby reservoir realized.